About Dr. Luo

Cathy Luo, MD is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She graduated from West China University of Medical Sciences Chengdu, China in 1989. With over 33 years of experience in the medical field and 30 years of experience in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialty, her multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach in patient care meets a variety of patients’ complex needs. Dr. Luo assists each patient who is suffering from chronic pain caused by a variety of medical problems including but not limited to:

Neck, mid, and low back pain
Chronic pain related to injuries
Disc herniation with radicular pain down the arms or legs
Complex regional pain syndromes
Post traumatic headaches
Chronic abdominal pain
Joint pain
Neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy
Postherpetic neuralgia (pain caused by the Shingles virus)
Cancer pain

Dr. Luo is also the President of Chinese Association of Northwestern Arkansas which is a 501(c)3 non-religious, non-political, and non-profit community based charitable organization. Their mission is to cultivate a harmonic community through promoting Chinese-Asian culture, education, and community service. Chinese Association of Northwestern Arkansas (CANWA) has donated $29,600 to 36 students since 2013 and continues to support disadvantaged students seek college educations. CANWA has also donated several meals to local police stations, hospitals, and clinics. During the height of the pandemic, Arpil 30th 2020, CANWA raised over $22,000 dollars in order to aid front line workers. The organization donated 3,000 face masks and $7,500 cash to Washington Regional Medical Center, and donated thousands of additional masks and PPE to other local health centers and clinics. 